Herewith, the actual machine. Some specs ..
- Motherboard:
Zida TD60C- CPU: Harris 286 28MHz
- RAM: 16MB "RainbowRAM", 55ns (check out the LEDs!)
- Graphics: Cirrus Logic CL-GD5422, 1MB
- Network: 3com EtherLink III (3c509)
- Floppy: 2-in-1 90mm (3.5") and 1.2" floppy drive
- Storage: Promise DC200M caching IDE controller, 2.5MB cache
- SCSI: Sound Blaster 16 SCSI :D
#sfw #hardware
Dark-ish picture showing motherboard mounted horizontally on a transparent acrylic surface. Underneath a combined 5.25 inch and 90mm floppy drive. The installed RAM lights up in different colours, four sticks with blue, purpole organge and yellow LEDs, respectively. VGA, network and sound cards are also visible.